Axol wearing a chef hat

Let’s get cooking!

Learning new things can be fun — but also challenging. The Enhance Cookbook is here to show you around the kitchen and help you get your hands dirty.

Render Markdown

Use Arcdown to render Markdown content into your Enhance app.

Use event listeners

Use DOM events to respond to dynamic user input.

Validate forms

Improve UX and prevent errors by validating forms on the client and the server.

Build for the browser

Ship and run code on the browser within a server side rendered Enhance app.

Write unit tests

Test Enhance elements and API routes.

Migrate from Architect

Learn how to migrate your Architect app to an Enhance app.

Translate React syntax to Enhance elements

Watch out for common gotchas when coming from React and JSX.

Use Typescript

Work with Typescript in your Enhance project