More recipes

Use TypeScript

If you prefer to work with TypeScript, we recommend starting with our TypeScript starter project.

Getting Started

Assuming you’re starting a new Enhance project, you would run the command:

npx "@enhance/cli@latest" new ./myproject \
  --template -y

This will set up a new Enhance project where you’ll code your APIs, elements and pages in TypeScript instead of JavaScript. Instead of editing files in the app folder, you’ll do your editing in the ts folder.

Project Structure

├── api ............... data routes
│   └── index.mts
├── browser ........... browser JavaScript
│   └── index.mts
├── components ........ single file web components
│   └── my-card.mts
├── elements .......... custom element pure functions
│   └── my-header.mts
├── pages ............. file-based routing
│   └── index.html
└── head.mts .......... custom <head> component

Note: We are using .mts to tell the TypeScript Compiler to generate ES Modules as .mjs files…

Local Development

Running the local development environment is the same as any other Enhance project. The new @enhance/plugin-typescript is responsible for watching the ts folder for any file changes. If a file with an .mts extension is updated, it will be re-compiled with the compilation target being the app folder. All other file types are simply copied to their corresponding locations in the app folder.

Authoring Code

Write your code in TypeScript. We already have types that you can import into your elements:

import type { EnhanceElemArg } from "@enhance/types"

export default ({ html, state: { attrs } }: EnhanceElemArg) => {
  const { state = "" } = attrs
  return html`
    ${state === "complete" ? "☑" : "☐"}

Or APIs:

import type {
} from "@enhance/types";

type Todo = {
  title: string;
  completed?: boolean;

export const get: EnhanceApiFn = async function (
  request: EnhanceApiReq,
): Promise<EnhanceApiRes> {

  console.log(`Handling ${request.path}...`);

  const todos: Todo[] = [
    { title: "todo 1", completed: false },
    { title: "todo 2", completed: true },
    { title: "todo 3" },

  const response: EnhanceApiRes = {
    json: { todos },

  return response;


Use the @begin/deploy package to deploy your application. Alternatively, you can write a GitHub Action to deploy on every commit.