Public (Static Assets)
Public folder → /_public/
Static assets like CSS, images, and scripts are a vital part of any web application.
Enhance provides a convention for fingerprinting and serving assets from the root public directory via the convenient /_public/
Adding files
Simply drop files in your Enhance project’s public folder. Assets can be organized with any sort of directory structure you’d like.
├── app/ ............... dynamic app features
└── public ............. static assets
├── blog-comment.mjs
├── docs.css
└── img
└── logo.png
Referencing files
Given the structure above, your application can include assets from the /_public/
<script type="module">
import BlogComment from '/_public/blog-comment.mjs'
// ...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/_public/docs.css">
<img src="/_public/img/logo.png" />
Automatic “fingerprinting”
File “fingerprinting” is giving static files a unique filename based on that file’s contents.
Typically this uses a computational hash of that file’s content as part of the name.
becomes logo-cd94b3594d.png
Under the hood, Enhance will dynamically fingerprint each file based on its contents. As a developer, you don’t need to worry about creating hashed file names, keeping a reference to each file’s actual name on disk, etc. Enhance (via Architect) will create and track fingerprinted files for you.
Further, when your project code uses the /_public/
route to reference files, Enhance will help update references with the fingerprinted filename.
Caching & Cache-invalidation
The purpose of fingerprinting static files is to provide long cache times to clients (browser’s, CDNs, etc.) while still allowing for those assets to be replaced by newer versions. New file contents == new file name. This way clients know to keep their downloaded copy of a file and re-use it on subsequent requests. When the content of that file changes, the references to that file change, and the browser downloads and caches the new asset.
Static asset fingerprinting can be controlled in your project’s .arc
fingerprint true # or false
If the setting is not present, fingerprinting is disabled.
However, all new Enhance projects created with npx "@enhance/cli@latest" new
automatically get the above configuration.
Regardless of fingerprint
configuration, the /_public/
route is the most reliable approach to referencing files.
Combining with @bundles
The /_public
route does not provide any sort of concatenation or compilation of assets.
However, it does play nicely with another Enhance feature: the @bundles
If the following is specified in your .arc
todos '/components/index.mjs'
The bundled and fingerprinted asset will be available like
import { TodoList, TodoItem } from '/_public/bundles/todos.mjs'