Environment Variables

It is a good practice to store runtime configuration data, such as API keys, in environment variables. When working locally Enhance supports loading environment variables with a .env file.

To provision environment variables for production deployment please consult the documentation for the different deployment providers.

Local Dev Environment Variable Tutorial

In this walkthrough we will set up environment variables, and display them on an example debug page. Please note, a .env file should not be checked-in to revision control because it will often contain sensitive information. Environment variables normally should never be leaked, or displayed to the end web consumer: this is an example to help demonstrate the lifecycle.

1. Create a .env file

The .env file will contain key/value pairs representing the environment variables.


2. Create an API Route to read env vars

API Routes are a Node.js process; process.env lists all environment variables.

export async function get () {
  const env = process.env
  return {
    json: { env }

3. Create a Page to display the env vars

Display the values passed from the API Route.

export default function debug ({ html, state }) {
  const env = state.store?.env
  return html`<pre>${ JSON.stringify(env) }</pre>`

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